Does XYZ coilovers have any warranty?

All XYZ coilovers have one year limited warranty. Any defective strut will be replaced with new one so you do not have to send it back to the manufacturer to be rebuilt to save your valuable time. This warranty is one of our products features (Rally Gravel coilover kit is not subject to this clause).

How much of the mount do I need to leave threaded on the shock body to be safe when adjusting the lower mount?

McPherson type: 45m/m, Double-Wishbone type: 30m/m

What is the difference between Rally Asphalt and Track Racing coilovers?

Basically, the look of Rally Asphalt and Track Racing coilovers is identical. The length of spring on Track Racing kit is between 160m/m to 180m/m while that on Rally Asphalt kit is 180m/m to 205m/m. The compression damping on Rally Asphalt coilovers is softer but rebound damping is stiffer because asphalt road is not as flat as racing track; besides it has rough road condition like pits or holes so that’s why the damping setup is softer to prevent a vehicle from being too bouncy and being out of control. The compression damping on Track Racing coilovers is stiffer because there is neither hole nor pit on track; besides it requires fast speed for track racing so that’s why the damping setup is stiffer to prevent a vehicle from leaning over.

How much can I drop my car with XYZ coilovers?

In general, the vehicle ride height can be dropped around 120mm from OE height for most applications, and the highest setting is same as OE vehicle ride height.

Is XYZ shock monotube or twin-tube design?

XYZ is monotube design which eliminates cavitation, has ability to dissipate heat, allows for larger internal working area, eliminate lag. In addition, this design enables coilovers to have a variety of responses to different road conditions.

What is inverted tube (upside-down) shock absorbers? What’s its feature?

The design of inverted tube is exactly opposite to the standard shock absorbers. The shock body is close to top mount, and strut cylinder is close to lower mount. Inverted tube is specifically designed for McPherson shock absorbers. The principle of inverted tube is to reduce unsprung weight (the total weight of the vehicle is not supported by the suspension system). Due to thickness of the strut cylinder being stronger, the inverted tube can bring more excellent stability, durability; in addition, it can withstand high impact forces and quickly response to variations in road conditions.

Do all applications have pillow ball upper mount? And camber adjustability?

Most of applications come with “ Pillow ball Rubber Top Mount “ and most Mcpherson strut has camber adjustability but it still depends on car models.

What’s the difference between Asphalt Rally coilovers and Gravel Rally coilovers?
  Asphalt Rally Gravel Rally
Shock stroke 90mm – 120mm(depending on applications) 130mm – 160mm (depending on applications)
Spring length 180mm – 205mm 235mm – 300mm
Should the dampening setting of left and right shocks be the same?

Yes, the damping force of left and right shocks should be identical, otherwise it would cause unstable handling and uneven tyre thread wear. However, the damping force of front and rear shocks can not be always the same depending on different requirements.

Can I use spring seat to adjust vehicle ride height?

Most of vehicle applications come with adjustable lower mount. Thread the lower mount upwards in order to drop the vehicle ride height, or downwards to raise the ride height. We do not recommend adjusting position of the spring seat to change the spring tension to lower the vehicle.

Do you have sole (Exclusive) agent in Russia?

No, please contact us if you're interested.

How to fix the brake line?

Any abs or brake lines should be fixed onto rubbers supplied in the tool bag first, then attach the rubbers to the supplied brake line brackets (two types of brackets). And attach the brake line brackets to the coilover; the position of the brake line brackets is determined by the installer.

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No.16-6, Wenquan Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City 41450, Taiwan (R.O.C.)